Thursday, July 1, 2010

How I stay so skinny....

Other than being blessed with some awesome genes, I don't really do much. I guess I did just start going to the gym, so that helps. I think I'm just fact I kind of wish I could gain some weight. Weird, I know. I always hear how skinny I am, and my family is always telling my that I am too skinny. But when I am nursing a baby I just can't keep on the fat. I really try though, I pretty much eat anything and everything I want to. I told myself that I didn't want to get as skinny as I was before I got pregnant with Olivia. I will spare you the numbers, but I am only a few pounds away from being there and I can't.....stay.....fat. I really do eat a lot, like all day. I guess I better stop going to the gym, then I won't be burning all the calories I take in :) It also helps that I have 4 children that I have to chase around. And I have major mommy brain and walk around my house many times wondering what the heck I was doing. I better get working on some soduku or cross-word puzzles or something....I need some help. I guess we all have our problems, huh? I hope this is my problem for a long time though, I don't want to get fat when I'm over 40! I'm up for the challenge :)


Dianne said...

I seriously wish I had your problem. But I suppose the grass is always greener... Have you gotten your thyroid checked out? Sometimes that can be the problem and over-working itself (that is if you actually have a desire to fix this "problem").

Maria said...

Yeah, I wish I had that problem too. But I was blessed with super strong, way sturdy pioneer genes. So even though I have to work hard to be trim and usually carry more padding around than I want, I am very grateful to be able to stand my own and haul kids and furniture with the best of the guys. :) I'm just grateful to be old and mature enough to appreciate my body for what it is and not what it's not. But yeah, I wouldn't mind having your "skinny genes."

Brimaca said...

Dang you! :) When I'm nursing I can't loose weight. I exercised and ate right for much of the time when I was nursing Lib and didn't loose until after I quit then it fell off like crazy.