Kylan had his first day of Kindergarten yesterday. I went to drop him off and did really well until we were walking to the car. At least I held it together and didn't totally fall apart! I just got teary eyed thinking of my baby growing up! I guess he will be alright though. I mean, I'm not the only mom ever to have to go through this, right? :) I'm a baby! At least he likes school and he seems to be doing fine.

My handsome boy, all excited for school

Showing off his new Star Wars shirt

This is the 2nd day of school, showing the Transformers shirt now.

He had to show off his new school shoes. He says they make him run faster!
So PROUD (of you)!! Maggie wants to go to school so bad this year. She'll be starting preschool next week though and she's pretty excited about that.
My sister, Deanne, just dropped her oldest off in Provo for school a couple of weeks ago and called crying. Israel was teasing her and I told him to back off 'cause he's going to be the same when Maggie starts Kindergarten. Then Maggie pipes up..."Yeah, you're gonna cry like a little baby!!".
I am excited and excited at the same time for that day with my kids. I'm glad he likes it. Are you doing better? :)
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