Sunday, September 21, 2008

Freaky friday!

Well I had quite the scare on friday. Kylan had just left for school and I found out Hannah had a fever. I check it and it's 103! Yikes! So I get her some ibuprofen and had just come back from putting it away and she was acting like she was going to throw up. She was like that for about 5 minutes, just drooling like crazy and swallowing a lot, like she didn't want to throw up(I always do that). So I was holding her in my arms so I could comfort her, I look down and her left cheek starts twitching! I keep watching her and her corner of her mouth is now twitching also and then her left arm starts jerking. I was freaking out! So I try calling the doctor's office to talk to the nurse, and she's not in the office today! The receptionist says she could take a message, but that it would be later on that they would get to it. So I hang up and call every other person I know that is a nurse, and I get their voicemail! AAGHHH! It's good that I have great friends and a couple of them were just next door. I went over to ask their oppinion because Hannah's left side of her face wasn't working. They were able to assure me that it wasn't a stroke and that it was probably the temp that set it off. Then I finally get a hold of Karen Dent and she helped out a lot and she thought it was a seizure. So now I need to decide if I wait and take her to a 2:30pm appointment, or get her to the ER to see if something is wrong. I went with the latter and to make a long story short, everything turned out okay. She had a cat scan and everything looks fine. She just didn't like holding still for that long :) The Doctor said it was a febrile seizure, brought on by the high fever. So now that she has had one, she could have more. So we will be watching her close. It feels good the get this out and vent. And I hope that it never does happen again, because I felt so helpless! It was just too weird watching her do that. I'm sure glad we got it checked out though and that she won't have to be on special seizure meds. It was just too scary!


Dianne said...

I would have freaked out, too! I'm glad to hear she's o.k. I had another friend who's daughter had that happen, too, due to the spike in temperature so quick. I haven't heard of her girl having another seizure and that was 4 years ago. So, with luck Hannah won't have another one and and you won't have to watch it again.

Are you thinking of getting pregnant? We're talking about January, ya know with insurance and all...

Katie said...

That is so scary!! My sister's 2 year old had the exact same thing happen to her...she's never had one since. I'm so glad she's ok!!

Brimaca said...

So scary. I was up last night with Libby worried about the same thing. She had a high temperature and was acting strange. I have a friend who just went through this so I was stressing. Luckily I got her temperature to break and she was ok. My mom is a nurse and was there so it helped.

Rachel said...

That must have been terrifying. Hopefully it never happens again to that adorable little girl.

Ashleigh said...

scary! i'm glad she's ok!

Steph said...

I wish you would have called me! Lauren had two of those when she was 15 month old. Hers were full blown thrashing around on the floor seizures. They are just terrifying for us to watch but usually not dangerous for the child. Lauren actually stopped breathing during one and turned blue. We don't mess around with fevers in our house anymore. Call me if you still need to talk. It took me a few months to get the picture of Lauren seizing out of my head.