So tonight was mega busy for me...or at least it seemed that way since I'm big and pregnant and not really wanting to get out anyway. Once Kylan got home from school at around 3:30pm this was our to do list...
reading for Kylan for 15-20 minutes
piano practice for a half hour
make dinner
feed children to make them happy
Soccer practice at 5:30, since we have the Turkey shoot out on saturday
At 6pm we head out for a basketball evaluation for Upwards at 6:30.
Baby shower at 7pm
Then the regular putting kids to bed routine.
We get to the basketball evaluation and Hannah had fallen asleep. I get her put in the stroller and get about 5 feet from the car when she throws up all over herself and the stroller. Luckily I hadn't buckled her in since she was still sleepy, so I grabbed her and aimed her at the sidewalk. Hopefully missing the front end of the car in the lot :) So I call for the boys who have bee lined for the farthest point away from Mom, and make a U-turn back to the car. I grab every napkin that I have in the glove box (lucky for me I save every one on our road trips from the fast food places) the wipes, and search for the plastic walmart bag that I keep stashed in case of a potty accident. I thank my lucky stars that I had that stuff! So I wipe her down the best I can, cover her with the sweater that was in the car (again, lucky for me that I am a slacker and hadn't put it away earlier) because she was saying she was coldy. I reach under her to buckle her in, and got a nice handful of throw up, great! At least I knew she wouldn't likely want to go anywhere anyway, seeing as she just lost her dinner. Then we head into the building to do this blasted evaluation, which is the absolute last one since I missed the others. We got in fairly fast and it really only took 10 minutes. I felt bad taking her in because she smelled quite potent and I'm sure everyone we passed got a good whiff. But I really had no other choice. Anyway, now that I have written a novel :) We got in the car and headed to the shower, which now I wouldn't be going to, to drop off the present. I was super bummed, but what do you do, eh? Oh, I forgot to mention that it was Nathan's night for Elder's Quorum meetings. So I had no way to get out of going home and cleaning up all that wonderful smell off my daughter and her clothes. Enough of my pity party, hopefully now she will get better and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that no one else will get this. Sorry to anyone who came in contact with Hannah this afternoon!