Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A big ordeal

This is how we end almost every meal in our house. Caleb hardly eats anything! The funniest part about it is, it works! He usually gets a big grin on his face and a look that says, "Now I'm gonna do it!" It's hilarious! I hope it works for a while, at least until he catches on that we're tricking him into eating :) Reverse psychology really works!


Anonymous said...

That is a great idea, I have one that does not like to eat his food too. Usually he gets that meal until he finishes it and goes hungry till the next meal. You at least made a game into it.

Brimaca said...

Hey whatever works!

Katie said...

That's funny! Hey, we gotta do what works...

Dianne said...

I love it when things WORK! Good idea. You sound like you have a cold, you poor thing.

Ashleigh said...

huh. i do that, and the girls are like "ok, i won't". ;D

larshannon said...

Whatever works, right!

Danielle said...

That is too funny!