Dad taking on Caleb in the egg roll
This is the favorite activity for Easter, boys will be boys :)
Hannah was enjoying the egg roll
Daddy had to point out the way :)
The boys on the hunt
We had a great Easter. Well at least the kids did, with being pregnant and nauseous it put a little damper on my festivities. But at least I made a good dinner and had done some preparations. I didn't get pictures of the kids in their Easter attire, so I feel bad about that, but I'll have to have a re-shoot (does it count since I didn't do the first one?). We should have had some people over to share our food with, but I was not up for company and would not have been a great hostess. Lately all I can do is eat and lie on the couch. Once in a while I fit something constructive in there. My poor kids! Oh well, what do ya do, right? Well I guess it's time to end this, since I am just rambling :)
This video is for the Grandparents, mostly mine. Sorry, I was feeling a little crummy, hence the no smile. We are doing the egg roll with the dyed Easter eggs. It has been a tradition in my family forever, well I did it when I was one :)
Sorry you're feeling crummy. I'm not looking forward to that part again. I had never heard of egg rolling until yesterday and now I've read about it quite a bit but with different rules. I didn't get Easter Pics either but also plan too so we are in the same boat. :)
crummy is no good! i hope this part of pregnancy passes soon.
Sorry you feel yucky. I HATE that part of pregnancy. Well, there are a lot of parts I hate, but feeling sick is up there. We'll have to try the egg rolling thing next year. It sounds fun!
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